Category Archives: EUSA

EUSA Class Reps

Reflection from a University of Edinburgh student (EUSA Class Rep):EUSA logo

“On the 12 November 2014, I attended EUSA’s Class Rep lunch on Managing Your Digital Footprint. It was a very interesting and instructive event. Not only did I get the chance to meet numerous other agreeable Class reps, but we also learnt a lot about how everything we do  online could affect our image or reputation even in the future. For me this event was a bit of an eye-opener, since there are so many digital footprints we leave behind, normally without even thinking about it. For instance, all photos or statuses, which are put up on Facebook or simply personal emails, which might be saved in “the Cloud”. Another thing, which I also found extremely useful was the information given about LinkedIn. It really piqued my interest, hence I have now joined myself and am currently working on updating my profile. Furthermore, I have started discussions about this with friends and acquaintances and I am really hoping that the word will spread so that more people become aware or at least start thinking about the possible consequences of online posts or photo uploads.”

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