Category Archives: Digital Edge

Edinburgh Award – Digital Ambassadors

Your Digital EdgeThe Edinburgh Award recognises your commitment to online and/or technology practices.

University of Edinburgh colleagues in Learning, Teaching and Web Services, working in collaboration with the Careers Service and the Institute for Academic Development, are piloting a new “Edinburgh Award (Digital Ambassadors“, to encourage and recognise the digital best practices of students at the University [extract from Nicola Osborne’s blog]

If you are interested in getting involved, or already actively participating in building your digital skills (vlogging, social media for employability, teaching coding, academic blogging, hackathons, Maker Faires, Wikipedia editing or any others!) you can get HEAR recognition for your achievements and support to identify the skills you are developing. The best thing is that you get to meet, network and collaborate with other students while adding something to your CV, developing your skills and getting Your Digital Edge! [extract from Your Digital Edge blog]

For more information about the Edinburgh Award: Your Digital Edge website

Nicola Osborne’s (EDINA) blog post: Edinburgh University Piloting “Digital Ambassador” award for students